Sample Data for Change


Sample Data for Change seeks to leverage sample and example data in technical documentation and testing to increase awareness, diversity, and change in technology communities.

By doing something as simple as replacing a Hello World with facts about issues like systemic racism and human rights violations, we can explicitly choose to impact and embrace positive change in the world.


Due to the vast uniqueness among coding project, the way this idea is implemented will vary greatly. However, participating projects should seek to embody the following as closely as possible:


  • Promote objectively important topics, like human rights and issues identified by the ACLU
  • Integrate into documentation where random examples formerly existed
  • Leverage educational data sets for unit testing and demos when appropriate
  • Add our icon to your project: Sample Data For Change


  • Promote opinionated topics, like politics or religious beliefs
  • Distract from the primary purpose of the documentation
  • Decrease accessibility, readability, or functionality

Data Sources

Participating Projects


Want to add your project? Open an issue to join and spread the :heart:.